Canyonettes Golf Club By-Laws

Updated 9/3/2023

Article I – NAME

The name of this golf club shall be Canyonettes Golf Club (hereafter “Club”).

Article II – PURPOSE

FIRST: To create a golf club at Indian Canyon Golf Course that brings women together with the intention of stimulating interest in and giving women an opportunity to play and learn the game of golf in a fun and social environment.

SECOND: To promote and foster among the members a closer bond and fraternity for their joint and mutual benefit through golf and socializing; and to promote and preserve the true spirit of the game of golf as embodied in its honorable traditions.

THIRD: To encourage conformance to the USGA Rules of Golf by creating a representative authority.

FOURTH: To maintain a uniform system of handicapping as set forth in the USGA Handicap System and issue USGA Handicap Indexes to the members.

FIFTH: To provide an authoritative body to govern and conduct club competitions.


Section 1. Membership shall be available to all people 18 years of age or older. There shall be at least 10 members with no set number of maximum membership. However, the Board will monitor the membership levels on a regular basis throughout the current membership year, and a determination will be made by the Board if membership needs to be capped for the season.

Section 2. Membership in the club shall be on an annual basis from April 1st through March 31st  to allows participation in off-season events.

Section 3. The fiscal year for the club will change from a calendar year to an April 1st through March 31st fiscal year to match the membership period.  The annual filing of the 990 will be on a calendar year basis until the IRS has accepted our request to adopt a March 31st fiscal year-end.

Section 4. In the event that any member of the club shall commit any act which reflects discredit or disrepute thereon or shall refuse or neglect to comply with the rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors or the duly appointed officers, such member shall be subject to suspension or expulsion after (ten days) written notice and the right to be heard, by a vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors at any regular meeting or special meeting called for such purpose.

Section 5. The spring meeting of the membership of the Club will typically be held no later than the last Tuesday in April for purposes of discussing and voting upon such matters as may be deemed necessary by the board.  The Board of Directors shall provide for the holding of such other meetings as may be deemed necessary or desirable by the membership.

Section 6. A legal quorum at any meeting shall be 25 members and a simple majority of members present in person shall be required to pass any resolution presented to the membership for a vote.  Each active member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote.

Section 7. All membership fees and dues shall be established by the Board of Directors in such amounts as they deem to be adequate to operate and maintain the club. All dues are due and payable by the spring meeting and/or at the time of completing a membership form.  No awards or prizes will be paid to any individual whose dues are not paid and current.   All monies collected shall accrue to the benefit of the membership.

To encourage participation on the Board, each elected and appointed board member’s dues (excluding GHIN membership fees) will be waived during their term of office or until their resignation. 

Section 8.  All applicants for membership and all active members shall abide by and support the Club Bylaws, golf course etiquette and the current rules of golf, as written by the United States Golf Association (USGA).


Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of members in good standing and shall exercise all powers of management of the club not specifically excerpted by the By-Laws.  The Board of Directors shall consist of the following Club Officers elected by the members:  President, Vice-President/President Elect, Treasurer, GHIN/Membership chair, and a Communications chair (this can be fulfilled with two “co-chairs” sharing responsibility for the position).  The Board of Directors shall also consist of at least one Events Director, or as deemed appropriate by the Officers. The Events Directors will be appointed by a majority vote of the Board at the first Board meeting following election of the officers. 

Section 2.  Terms of office for each director shall be a minimum of two years.  One exception is the role of Vice President/President-Elect. Since it is preferred that one of the existing Board members is elected to the role of Vice President/President-Elect, that Board member would serve a three-year term – one in their current Board position, one year as Vice-President/President-Elect, and one year as President.  Directors may serve more than one two-year term of office. 

Section 3.  Section 2.  The duties and responsibilities of the Officers shall be as follows:


§  shall preside over all meetings and oversee all affairs of the Club.

§  shall communicate as necessary with golf course pros and employees.

§  shall submit any relevant Club information to the Communications Chair for the weekly.

§  shall update /maintain a current copy of the bylaws and ensure changes are communicated to the Board and general membership.


            Vice President/President Elect

§  shall, in the absence or inability of the president to act, have and perform all the duties of the presidency.

§  shall provide back-up support to the Communications Chair, which includes preparing and posting weekly communication, assisting with the maintenance of the website (, and preparing, recording, and distributing the board meeting minutes.

§  shall complete any other duties assigned by the President.

§  shall after one year as Vice-President become President for the remaining one year of the two-year term.



§  shall be responsible for the financial oversight of the Club’s activities including the collection and depositing of dues, reconciliation of monthly bank statements and issue receipts to all members if requested.

§  shall pay bills owed by the club upon approval of the board and give a financial report at each meeting, and a year-end written report of all financial activities for the year. 


            GHIN/Membership Chair

§  shall be responsible for organizing and managing the registration process via the Canyonettes website (, collection and processing of memberships dues, and maintaining a list of current members.

§  shall be responsible for posting relevant membership, GHIN and Golf Genius information on the website (

§  shall be responsible for keeping an accurate account of members’ scores in accordance with USGA handicapping.

§  shall act as a policing agent in keeping all handicaps fair and honest and follow the guidelines set forth by USGA.


            Communications Chair       

§  is responsible for both internal and external communication to the general membership which includes marketing the benefits of Canyonettes membership, compiling a weekly posting on and Facebook for the general membership (which includes obtaining input from other Board members for content).

§  Monitors and maintains regular email and social media communication between the board and members.  Responds to inquiries on and/or Facebook (or forwards messages to appropriate Board member for reply).

§  records the minutes of all meetings, attendance, and correspondence (and post to the Canyonettes One Drive folder) and provide copies of minutes to board members.

Section 4.  The duties and responsibilities of the appointed Board Members will be as follows:

          Events Director

§  shall coordinate all special events for the Club, including scrambles, raffles, and weekly games.

§  shall select, issue, and track weekly prize winners for games, chip-ins, birdies and random drawing.

§  shall ensure that all relevant communication is provided to the Communication Chair for communication to the members and/or posting on the website (


Section 5. The Board of Directors shall meet at such times and places as they choose, and a majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.

Section 6. In the case of any vacancy through death, resignation, disqualification or other cause, the remaining directors, even though less than a quorum, may elect a successor by majority vote to hold office for the unexpired term of the director whose place shall be vacant, and until the election of his successor.


Section 1.  Nominations of open officer positions will take place prior to the end of the membership period (March 31st).  Open Board positions for the upcoming year will be communicated via email, as well posted on the Canyonettes website and Facebook, along with a description of the Board position duties. Nominations will typically consist of self-nomination from members that may be interested or willing to serve as officers of the Club; however, nominations may also be accepted from any member in good standing.  Once a member is nominated for a position, the existing Board will be responsible for obtaining the consent of the member to serve in the position nominated. 

Section 2.  A list of candidates nominated for the Board shall be electronically mailed (e-mailed) to each member at their last known e-mail address and a copy of such list shall be posted on the club bulletin board.

Section 3.  Voting for the election of officers shall be by consent through an email ballot process to all active members of the Club who are in good standing. Nominations may also occur by designating a nominee on the email ballot by any member in good standing.  Electronic ballots shall be sent to the last known e-mail address provided by the member.  The Board shall make a reasonable attempt to gather and maintain a current e-mail address list of all active members.  Those nominees receiving the greatest number of votes cast shall be declared to be elected.  Newly elected officers shall assume their duties immediately following the election process. 



Committees may be established by the Board as deemed necessary to accomplish various tasks or assist with events for a designated time period. The President and/or Board shall appoint a chair for any such committee.

Article VIII – BUDGET.

All budget expenses exceeding $35.00 shall be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.  This can be accomplished at a meeting or via e-mail correspondence.

Article IX.  GUESTS.

Each member in good standing may have a guest play with the Club for a maximum of three times per year before such guest will have to join the Club and pay membership dues.  Guests typically include individuals who are interested in joining the Canyonettes and are wanting a trial period before making a decision; or they are a visiting relative or friend who is golfing with an existing member on a short time basis. Guests are not eligible for prizes or awards if the guest has not joined the Club and paid dues.   


Section 1. The Board of Directors shall have the power to repeal or amend any of these By-laws provided that such action shall not be effective until approved by a majority vote of the members of Canyonettes Golf Club in accordance with the provisions contained herein.

Section 2.  Should the Board of Directors or members determine that changes to the By-laws are necessary, the president shall appoint a current Board member to draft and prepare changes to the By-laws for presentation to the Board and voting by the membership.  Any proposed changes will be emailed to members and posted in the clubhouse for a minimum of thirty (30) days for comments or proposed changes.    If no comments or recommended changes are submitted, the amended By-Laws will be adopted by consent.