News “Fore” You | Aug 30 2021

As a reminder from last week's News Fore You, the last day of play is Tuesday, September 7! We hope everyone will be able to attend the Appreciation Dinner with a chance to win an incredible basket giveaway (no need to purchase tickets - all members will be given a chance to win!). We hope to see a great turnout!!

For those of you that want to continue playing after September 7, Doug and Greg have graciously offered to continue setting aside tee times for our Canyonettes members on late Tuesday afternoons (start time will depend on the timing of sunset so members can finish before it gets dark). You will need to text Greg directly at 509.481.5468 no later than Sunday evening. While this won't be part of our weekly Canyonettes events with a shotgun start, games, etc., it does give our members a chance to extend the season if they can start earlier in the afternoon. Thank you Doug and Greg!!

Please email us at if you have any comments or questions.

Last Week's Game Winners | Points for Play

Congratulations to Reggie Brulotte who was the winner in the "Points for Play" for last week! The game winner was the person with the most points. Reggie will receive a $5.00 coupon to the Indian Canyon restaurant!!

Our other prize winners are:

  • Karen Muzzy is the winner of the Random Weekly Drawing and wins a tube of logoed Canyonettes items.

  • Laura Reed receives a $10.00 coupon for her TWO Chip-Ins and Jenny Purtell receives a $5 coupon for her chip in

  • Linda Hahn, Mary Brother and Lisa Sams receive a $3.00 coupon for their Birdies.

Your prizes and coupons will be ready for you to pick up in the Clubhouse on Tuesday.

Congratulations to our Winners!!

PLEASE NOTE: We have a lot of unclaimed prize coupons waiting to be picked up in the pro shop. Please check in with them if you think you may be one of our lucky winners. You will have until
September 30 to redeem your coupons/prizes. Thank you!

This Week's Game | 9 Hole Bingo

When you complete each hole, cross off a square that has your score listed. If your score is not listed, don’t mark off any square. There is some strategy involved because you can NOT change your mind after you cross off a square as there are multiple squares with the same numbers. If there are multiple bingos, the winner will be based on the lowest total sum of the numbers in the “Bingo”. Each player will need to pick up their bingo sheet in the Pro shop.

Canyonettes Ladies Golf League

Canyonettes Ladies Golf League


Welcome to the 2022 season


News “Fore” You | Aug 23 2021