Invite To Canyonettes From Wandermere Ladies Golf | May 2023 Tournament - posted 3/27

Invite to Canyonettes for upcoming local ladies golf tournament.
Thank you Wandermere Ladies for the invite!

2023 Wandermere Ladies 9 Hole Invitational
When: May 31st - Wednesday
Where: Wandermere Golf Course
Time: Check-in @ 7:30 | Shotgun Start @ 8:30 am 
Deadline for registration/pay: May 17th - Wednesday.
Cost: $59 includes: green fees, cart (riding only), snacks, lunch, prizes

We hope you can join us for our annual invitational. Come early to enjoy light breakfast, games and purchase raffle tickets. Tickets for Raffle Baskets will only be available before golf. Please bring small bills (1,5,10's the best) for Putting, 50/50, Mulligans, Raffle Tickets, etc.

Please return the sign-up sheet (below) by Wed, May 17th, along with check payable to Wandermere Ladies 9 Hole and mail to address below. We cannot accept cancellations or additions after that day. We look forward to seeing all of you again this year so “Bee Happy” and sign up today.

The field is limited to the first 100 golfers so don't delay.

Any questions, please contact:
Chair Terry Pritchard 29126 N. Hwy 395 Deer Park, WA 99006 | 702.523.8806 

Wandermere 9-Hole Invitational Sign-up Sheet
Wednesday May 31th, 2023
7:30am Check-in | Shotgun Start 8:30am
Fees: $59.00 includes Green Fees, Power Cart (Riding ONLY), Breakfast snacks and Lunch

    Name (Please PRINT)           Phone Number           GHIN#                         9-HOLE HDC

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PLEASE RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM WITH ONE (1) CHECK TO COVER THE COST OF ALL YOUR MEMBERS THAT ARE ATTENDING BY MAY 17TH.    

         Chair, Terry Pritchard 29126 N. Hwy 395 Deer Park, WA 99006 

Canyonettes Ladies Golf League

Canyonettes Ladies Golf League


Clarify - Signup Directly With Wandermere Regarding Their Invitational - posted 3/30


President’s Letter (Spring is in the Air) | March 13