News “Fore” You | August 22

Week 16: August 23, 2022
Shotgun start: 5:15pm. Please remain aware of your speed of play. As the days get shorter, we need to keep our rounds to 2.5 hours so everyone has a chance to finish before it gets dark.
Game: "Mystery Game" - play and score a normal round of golf but a MYSTERIOUS criterion will be applied following play by the Event Co-Chairs to determine a winner.
Scorecards: Don't forget to circle birdies and/or chip-ins, sign your card (first and last name, written legibly) and place in the hanging bin in the Ladies Lounge!
How to sign up for the week: Visit to sign up. If you have questions please email us at or send a facebook message. Golf Genius will open each Tuesday after play, around 7 pm to sign up for the next week. It will close on Monday's at 5 pm. If you need to cancel after 5 pm on Mondays, you must text Greg.

Week 15 Winners

First Place: Tanna Finley
Birdies: Tanna Finley, Dee Dee Carpenter, Joy Lee, Dawn Carraway
Chip-Ins: Dawn Carraway, Gaylene Lewin
Random Draw: Gina Ferraiuolo

Seeking Board and Committee Members!

Are you interested in serving on the Canyonettes Board or Events Committee or do you know someone who would be great? Nominate yourself or others by emailing today! Nominees will be collected and presented to membership to be voted on prior to the End of Year Meeting.
The Board holds monthly meetings (virtual or in-person), with additional meetings as needed. Each position requires additional time, depending on the role. See below for open positions and descriptions of duties for each. Events Committee meetings will be held at the discretion of the Events Director.

Open Board Positions include:

  • Vice-President/President Elect

    • shall, in the absence or inability of the president to act, have and perform all the duties of the presidency.

    • shall provide back-up support to the Marketing/Communications Chair, which includes preparing and posting weekly newsletter, assisting with the maintenance of the website (, and preparing, recording and distributing the board meeting minutes.

    • shall complete any other duties assigned by the President.

    • shall after one year as Vice-President become President for the remaining one year of the two-year term.

  • Marketing/Communications Chair

    • is responsible for both internal and external communication to the general membership during the months of March through September, which may include marketing the benefits of Canyonettes membership, compiling a weekly newsletter to be posted on and a Facebook post for the general membership (which includes obtaining input from other Board members for content), and monitoring/maintaining regular email and social media communication between the board and members

    • Is also responsible for recording the minutes of all meetings, attendance, and correspondence (and posting to the Canyonettes One Drive folder), and providing copies of minutes to board members

Committee Roles (non-Board)

  • Events Committee

    • Assist the Events Director in coordinating all special events of the Club including the scramble, first and last nights of play, raffles and weekly games.

    • Other duties as assigned by the Events Director and dependent on activities of the Club

Speed of Play

We have upwards of 100 players each week, all with different skill levels, and we need to be mindful of how long we spend at each hole. We would like to try to keep our 9-hole rounds to about 2.5 hours and need everyone's help to keep the game moving along.

  • Please play ready golf. Unsure of what that means? Ready Golf means that ALL golfers should go to their balls as soon as possible and get READY to play their shots. While waiting to hit, players should survey their shot, select their clubs, take them from their bags, and stand at their balls ready to step up and make the shot when it is their turn. Really do anything you can to keep moving along.

  • Please be mindful of how long you are spending looking for you ball. None of us want to lose balls but sometimes we need to accept it and move on.

  • Please be mindful of how many strokes you are going above par, please pick your ball up if you have reached a double par on any given hole.

Basic Etiquette: We are a fun league, open to players of all abilities. But if you're struggling on a hole (as we all do), please be aware of teams that may be stacking up behind you. Allow smaller or faster groups to play through, or simply move on and keep the game going. If we do get jammed up, patience is appreciated!

Food and Drink Reminders

A gentle reminder that there are a lot of Canyonettes and a very small kitchen and staff at the Indian Canyon restaurant and bar. If you are planning to enjoy a post-game meal, please consider calling the restaurant when you're on your 8th hole (might not be the actual 8th hole, depending on where you start) to preorder. Also, if you're dining with a group order as a group so your food comes out at the same time. As always, your patience is appreciated!
The phone number is 509-747-5353.

Upcoming Golf Tournaments
August 27: Junior League of Spokane Golf Outing (9 hole)
Where: Fairways Golf Course
Time: 9am shotgun start
Registration is OPEN! Register here

September 9: Joya Golf Classic- Joya
Where: Downriver Golf Course
Time: 9 am shotgun start
Registration is OPEN! Register here

Do you know something great happening in the community that our members would find interesting? Golf tournaments or opportunities for women? Wonderful things that advance women's golf? How about a Canyonettes member you'd like us to know more about? We'd love to hear from you and include these stories, dates, etc. here, in our Community Corner! Email us with your ideas!

Canyonettes Ladies Golf League

Canyonettes Ladies Golf League


News “Fore” You | September 5


News “Fore” You | August 15